Mittwoch, 9. April 2014

Mysql show view definition

Mysql show view definition

No matter how you write out a view definition, MySQL always stores it the same way, in a canonical form. You can use the SHOW CREATE VIEW You can use the SHOW CREATE VIEW command to view the entire CREATE syntax used when creating a view : View Structure View MySQL Tutorial. Use of SHOW CREATE VIEW requires the SHOW VIEW privilege, and the SELECT privilege for the view in question.

Here is an example that shows how the server changes a double bar concatenation operator to a CONCAT function. Show create view viewName does not display correctly formatted text. Let us see some additional ways of displaying VIEW definition using T-SQL and some advantagesdisadvantages of using these different methods).

How can I get the correctly-formatted SQL?

How to get mysql view definitions? - Database

MySQL : MySQL Reference Manual

Managing Views - MySQL Tutorial SHOW CREATE TABLE quots table and column names according to the value of the sqlquotshowcreate option. SHOW CREATE VIEW Syntax - Oracle If you then create a view that concatenates items, you might worry that changing the sqlmode setting to a value different from ANSI could cause the view to become invalid. For example, I created a view like create view vas select from mysql.

View information is also available from the INFORMATION SCHEMA VIEWS table.


MySQL : MySQL Reference Manual : If you then create a view that concatenates items, you might worry that changing the sqlmode setting to a value different from ANSI could cause the view to become invalid. For information about how CREATE TABLE statements are stored by MySQL, see. MySQL : MySQL Reference Manual : collationconnection is the session value of the collationconnection system variable when the view was created.

Display VIEW definition using T-SQL code (Sometime back, I had posted about Different Ways to display VIEW definition. 2The INFORMATION SCHEMA VIEWS Table But this is not the case. Best Value of places to stay in Schruns. Clients SFR, bienvenue sur le tchat commercial mobile.

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Managing Views - MySQL Tutorial

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