Donnerstag, 5. Juni 2014

Leopold bedeutung

Leopold bedeutung

Several kings of the Belgians were called). The name Leopold is a boy s name of German origin meaning brave people. It was later used by James Joyce for the main character, Leopold Bloom, in his novel Ulysses (1920).

The first part is sometimes associated by folk etymology with Latin leo ( lion as in Leo and Leonard. Leopold definition, a male given name: from Germanic words meaning people and bold. Leopold of Styria, known as Leopold the Strong, (from the dynasty of the Otakars) United Kingdom. It is a pity because my second link is the movie Kate Leopold where Hugh Jackman plays the role of a fascinating and romantic nobleman. Born in Brussels as the second but eldest surviving son of Leopold I and Louise of Orlans, he succeeded his father to the Belgian throne in 18and reigned for years until his death the longest reign of any Belgian monarch.

Leopold is the modern form of the Germanic name Luitbal composed of two stems, common to Germanic e first part is related to Old High German liut meaning people, the second part is of Germanic origin and means brave, compare bold. This aristocratic, somewhat formal Germanic route to the popular Leo is a royal name: Queen Victoria used it to honor a favorite uncle, King Leopold of Belgium.

From Old French Leopol from Old High German liut ( people ) bald ( bold ). Leopold II ( December 1909) was King of the Belgians from 18to 1909. Is LEOPOLD name fit for baby name? King Leopold II of Belgium who ruled Congo with cruelty is my first thought. So this name is strongly linked with aristocracy but unfortunately the real-life link is stronger than the fictional one. Leopold als Jungenname Herkunft, Bedeutung Namenstag im Überblick Alle Infos zum Namen Leopold auf m entdecken.

Leopold (The Simpsons Superintendent Chalmers assistant on The Simpsons). You can give to your baby with complacency.

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Send us will publish it for you. Since the 19th century this name has been occasionally used in Englan originally in honour of Queen Victoria s uncle, a king of Belgium, after whom she named one of her sons. Prince Leopol Duke of Albany, fourth son of Queen Victoria Arts, entertainment, and media Fictional characters. Used in the 19th century but rare today.

Hasnt added the name of any famous person for LEOPOLD. According to some researches that is related to meaning of LEOPOL Origin of LEOPOLD and Gender of LEOPOLLEOPOLD is fit name. Awesome Free Business Name Generators 10.

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