Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2014

Timescaledb indexes

Timescaledb indexes

Timescale is an extension built on top of. From the perspective of both use and management, TimescaleDB just looks and feels like PostgreSQL, and can be managed and queried as such. Verify that unique, primary and exclusion indexes on a hypertable cover all partitioning columns and create any default indexes. Default indexes are assumed to cover the first open ( time ) dimension, an optionally, the first closed ( space ) dimension.

TimescaleDB architecture allows for nearly constant ingestion rate when data grows over time, as explained in many of their Medium posts like this one. Long story short: The bottleneck wasn t TimescaleDB at all, but my CSV Parsing. Virtually all user interactions with TimescaleDB are with hypertables. Creating tables and indexes, altering tables, inserting data, selecting data, etc., can (and should) all be executed on the hypertable.

Its based on PostgreSQL and it offers the best of NoSQL and Relational worlds for Time-series data.

This means you can store relational data right alongside time. Indexes were small compared to the total size, and never out of the cache in our test setup. (Thanks to Matvey Arye and Sven Klemm for their contributions to this post.) As a time-series database built on PostgreSQL, TimescaleDB utilizes the relational model to store time-series data. TimescaleDB is a time-series SQL database providing fast analytics, scalability, with automated data management on a proven storage engine. This decision leads to its ability to scale to high cardinalities. TimescaleDB is an open-source time-series database optimized for fast ingest and complex queries that supports full SQL.

TimescaleDB and B-trees In contrast, TimescaleDB is a relational database that relies on a proven data structure for indexing data: the B-tree. First, TimescaleDB partitions your data by time, with one B-tree mapping time-segments to the appropriate partition (chunk). In a later installment of the series I will put the worker processes on different machines, so I can maximize the inserts to TimescaleDB.
Test cases were very different: we are inserting quite big records, had a large amount of memory (256GB and very fast storage (much faster than TimescaleDB s storage).

Finally in my initial write-up I wanted to maximize the insert rate of TimescaleDB. TimescaleDB is just a thin layer that speeds up inserting into partitions, it doesn t boost your queries to the best of my knowledge. Arbeit: Die blöde Zeit zwischen Schule und Pension. Beeindrucke deinen Partner mit einer k stlichen Liebeserkl rung und l se so garantiert ein angenehmes Kribbeln im Bauch aus.

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