years, without company entry, incl. Das Angebot wird anschliessend laufend mit weiteren Anbietern ausgebaut. You can then link the SwissID in your personal profile in the login details area. Ab Sommer 20gibt es diese Möglichkeit wahlweise auch für SwissPass-Kunden. From summer 20this option will also be available to SwissPass customers, before being extended to other providers on an ongoing basis.
Login with SwissID or With Swiss Post Customer Login. This popular Rail Pass for Switzerland gives you unlimited access on the network of Swiss Travel System.
SwissID: standardised digital identity enters the market. Erste Postportal-Kunden können das einheitliche Login über SwissID seit Herbst 20nutzen. Charge easily, anywhere in Switzerlan with your SwissPass.
The Swiss Travel Pass is sold for and days and allows a free entrance to over 4museums and exhibitions. To activate the linking, to using your SwissPass login. It does not confirm that someone belongs to a company or organisation, however. To use the SwissID to , link your SwissPass login with the SwissID. SwissID is the name of the standardised digital identity for use across Switzerland which SwissSign AG a joint venture between Post and SBB is now offering to interested companies and authorities.
The preconditions for this are a SwissPass as well as a SwissID login. The first Swiss Post portal customers have been able to with the standardised SwissID since autumn 2017. SwissID is a free service provided by SwissSign Group, a joint venture of state-affiliated businesses, financial institutions, insurance and health insurance companies. Oberstes Gebot von SwissID ist die vollumfängliche Einhaltung der Datenschutzbestimmungen. Card ID (on the back of the card) for example: S. SuisseID Personal fulfils private and business needs equally.
SwissIDs top priority is to fully observe data protection regulations. With SwissID you simply and securely to Swiss online services. Als Social-Media-Expertin habe ich Xing lange empfohlen.
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