Find out how surnames are ranked in popularity, how many people in the United States of America bear a particular name, and how the statistics change between US Censuses. 1Most Popular American Last Names 1. In the United States, Smith was the most common name in in 19and retained that spot ten years later. Garcia jumped in popularity from 18th-most-popular name in 19to sixth-most-popular in 2010. Also new to the list is the Asian surname Leeranked at number in the countryindicating a rise in the Asian American population.
List: Most common last names in the United States, top 1000. The table below includes the 10most common last names in America.
Last Names Surnames in the United States
Browse surnames from A to Z and find out a little bit of your. Census Bureau, Population Division, Population Analysis Evaluation Staff. These time-tested popular names were taken from a universe that includes.
Last Names Surnames in the United States Discover the ethnic origin and meaning of last names. Many immigrants from non-English-speaking countries Anglicized their names.
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Look up the meaning and origin of your last name. The following tables include all surnames with over frequency in the US population during the 19census. For each rank and sex, the table shows the name and the number of occurrences of that name. United States (American) All figures are for the 20United States Census, except for the 19Rank column which is for the 19United States Census.
Here are the top 1names as ranked by the 20Census. Garcia leapfrogged from number to number eight, while Rodriguez went up from to nine.
Common Surnames in the United States 19(top 1000). Surnames reflects the history of immigration into the country.
The following table shows the 1most popular given names for male and female babies born during the last 1years. Visit Family Name Search to discover the meanings and origins of last names. Robinson was the 20th-most-popular name in 19but fell off the list.
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