Donnerstag, 25. Dezember 2014

Abbreviation for english

Abbreviation for english

We are the world s largest and most comprehensive directory and search engine for acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms on the Internet. Its only natural that text messages dont use formal English and have many abbreviations. The Web s largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource.

Is itself a well-established abbreviation, as are the shortened forms of the states, like NY for New York. An abbreviation (from Latin brevis, meaning short) is a shortened form of a word or phrase, by any may consist of a group of letters or words taken from the full version of the word or phrase, for example, the word abbreviation can itself be represented by the abbreviation abbr., abbrv., or abbrev. nil by mouth is an abbreviated medical instruction. This is a list of common Latin arly all the abbreviations below have been adopted by Modern English.

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However, with some exceptions (for example, versus or modus operandi most of the Latin referent words and phrases are perceived as foreign to English). This list contains the most common abbreviations used in the OED. Abbreviation definition: An abbreviation is a short form of a word or phrase, made by leaving out some of the. Most of the words listed are only.

Looking for the abbreviation of English? M holds hundreds of thousands of entries organized by a large variety of categories from computing and the Web to governmental, medicine and business and it is maintained and expanded by a large community of passionate editors.

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A short form of a word or phrase: 2. Click on a letter to see the abbreviations beginning with that letter. Find out what is the most common shorthand of English on m. Ante meridiem before midday: ABC : American Broadcasting Company. As you will see in the following list of commonly used abbreviations they exist in all areas of life from medicine to military and geography to baking. To start with, the texts are supposed to be instant, and its a lot easier and faster to write an abbreviation than a full phrase.

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