When i try to start my ejabberd server using following commond etcinit. Is it the same it I copied in etcinit. This module is responsible for serving Web Admin, but also XMPP BOSH. I had this problem one time when the daemon could not determine the ip address of the hostname I gave in the ejabber config file.
I have installed ejabbered from source code into centos it is running fine but now problem is only how to auto start it with system. But when I run it it says: service ejabberd does not support chkconfig. ejabberd starts via ejabberdctl start not systemctl start ejabberd EDITED You can ignore most of the wall-o-text below, as I think that I ve found the most important fact in this problem, but I still can t figure out what the cause is. If you want ejabberd to be started automatically at boot time, go to the Windows service settings and set ejabberd to be automatically started.
Can t register user with ejabberdctl 1237. I am not able to start ejabberd server closed Ask Question 4.
My solution was to edit etchosts file and make sure that there was a hostname entry for my public ip address and the domain I wanted ejabber to respond to. Note that the Windows service is a feature still in development, and for example it doesn t read the file g. Ejabberd is a robust, massively scalable and extensible XMPP server. Options: certfile, tls, useturn, turnip, turnportrange, turnmaxallocations, turnmaxpermissions, shaper, servername, authrealm, authtype. ejabberd is a robust, massively scalable and extensible XMPP server.
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ejabberd is a distribute fault-tolerant technology that allows the creation of large-scale instant messaging applications. 1What operating system (version) are you using? What version of ejabberd are you using? ejabberdstun: Handles STUN TURN requests as defined in RFC 53and RFC 5766. The server can reliably support thousands of simultaneous users on a single node and has been designed to provide exceptional standards of fault tolerance. 3.) Was ich dir, und allen mit unreiner Haut, empfehlen w rde, ist: immer wenn du nach Hause kommst, schmink dich ab.
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