Montag, 7. Dezember 2015



PLpgSQL (Procedural LanguagePostgreSQL) is a procedural programming language supported by the PostgreSQL closely resembles Oracle s PLSQL language. PLpgSQL provides you with three forms of the IF statements. A variable holds a value that can be changed through the block or function. You are doing numeric comparison but yet you use character literals in your INSERT statement.

PLpgSQL IF Statement - PostgreSQL Tutorial Summary: in this tutorial, we will show you how to use PLpgSQL IF statements to execute a command based on a specific condition. The IF statement is used to execute a command conditionally. The simplest form of PLpgSQL IF statement. If noces and firstcolumn are character columns, will not do what you expect. Implemented by Jan Wieck, PLpgSQL first appeared with PostgreSQL released on October 3 1998.

Quick Guide to writing PLPGSQL Functions: Part - Postgres.

Quick Guide to writing PLPGSQL Functions: Part - Postgres

PLpgSQL IF Statement - PostgreSQL Tutorial

PLpgSQL Declaration : All variables must be declared in the declarations section of the block. Supported PLpgSQL Statements PLpgSQL statements augment SQL commands with procedural constructs, including looping and conditional expressions, to control logical flow. The basic make-up of a PLPGSQL function is as follows: There is the function interface that defines the args and the return type There is the body which in modern versions of PostgreSQL (8) the preferred encapsulation is dollar quotng vs. The IF statement executes statements if a. PLpgSQL, as a fully featured programming language, allows much more procedural control than SQL, including the ability to use loops and other control structures. Most SQL commands can be use including data modification language (DML) such as COPY, UNLOAD and INSERT, and data definition language (DDL) such as CREATE TABLE.

PLpgSQL variables can have any SQL data type, such as integer, varchar, and char. PLpgSQL Tutorial : PLpgSQL (Procedural LanguagePostgreSQL) is a loadable procedural programming language supported by the PostgreSQL.
A PLpgSQL variable is a meaningful name for a memory location. PLpgSQL Variables - PostgreSQL Tutorial Summary: in this tutorial, we will show you how to declare PLpgSQL variables using various techniques.

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