Find company research, competitor information, contact details financial data for Sunrise Communications AG of Glattpark (Opfikon). A wide range of opportunities for professional development will be available to you. At Sunrise, you will be working in a dynamic environment where a lot can be achieved through dedication.
Sunrise is the largest non state-controlled telecommunications company in Switzerlan offering its mobile, Internet, TV. The current session was terminated due to inactivity. Surf on the Sunrise fiber optic network at up to Gbits.
In addition to progressive employee benefits, you will receive attractive telecommunications offers. We believe that teamwork is the key to making work fun. vacancies at Sunrise Communications AG - apply now for Lehrstelle FORMATION GESTIONNAIRE DU COMMERCE DE DTAIL CFC (GE Specialist Sales Support B2B (wm) 5 Monate befristet or Lehrstelle Detailhandelsfachfrau-mann EFZ. It is active in other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding n.e.c. About Sunrise Communications AG Sunrise Communications AG with its legal headquarters in Glattpark (Opfikon) is a Company limited by shares (AG) from the sector Tele and telecommunications.
It provides mobile, TV and landline and internet services).
The company was founded on and has persons in its management. It has million customers making it the second largest telecommunications company in Switzerland after Swisscom. You can no longer save this form. Company name Sunrise Communications AG Zip codeCity 81Glattpark (Opfikon) Street Thurgauerstrasse 101B.
Before leaving the page, save your changes locally if necessary to avoid loss of data. Mobile, Internet, landline, and digital TV with the best price-to-performance ratio. Sunrise Communications AG - Sunrise is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich and is the leading challenger in the Swiss telecommunications market.
Sunrise Communications Group AG is a limited company based in Opfikon, in the canton of Zürich, founded in 2015. Sunrise Communications AG (commonly known as Sunrise is a Swiss telecommunications provider based in Zurich.
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