Tracking friends and strangers using WhatsApp You sign in to m on your old laptop which still works except you have to use an external mouse and the left shift key has fallen off. GitHub - andrey-leshenkoWaTracker: Track your This project may someday be rewritten as a Chrome Extension, but until then it will not be updated. Auch wenn f r die Nutzung solcher Tracking-Programme durchaus einige Programmier-Kenntnisse n tig sin zeigt es, wie leicht WhatsApp als eine Art Tracking-Tool missbraucht werden kann. WhatsAdd - A Chrome extension that gives your WhatsAdd is an extension for Chrome that you can already find in the Chrome Store.
You set your Chrome extension running and hide the laptop under your bed. Its sole purpose is to provide an AWESOME EXPERIENCE to users of WhatsApp Web and it is NOT THE INTENTION to mislead anyone to think this is the official WhatsApp for Chrome version. WhatsChrome - Chrome Web Store - This application works by packaging the official WhatsApp Web inside a Chrome App.
Chrome Extensions for Improving Your
GitHub - LoranKloezeWhatsAllApp: Chrome WhatsAllApp Community edition. WhatsApp-Sicherheitsl cke zeigt, mit wem Sie schreiben. You come back a week later and see what Steve Steveington has been up to. Bei allen App- und Online-Aktivit ten sollten Nutzer sich immer die Datenschutzeinstellungen anschauen, r t der Experte deshalb. The extension also allows customizing the text colors for various sections of the interface.
You can apply separate colors, for instance, to the chat list on the left and the top bar. This is the community edition and at this moment it enumerates and shows the following information. WhatsApp Colors WhatsApp Colors and Features is a free extension which lets you set a custom shade for every element of WhatsApp Web.
GitHub - LoranKloezeWhatsAllApp: Chrome
Use Whatsapp Web as always plus this extension adds new menus with extra functionalities so you can answer your customers and friends in a faster way: Custom preset messages. WaTracker is a Chrome app that hooks into the WhatsApp web app at m to repeatedly check if your friends are online. WhatsAllApp is a Chrome extension which creates an overlay of extra information on top of WhatsApp web. Chrome Extensions for Improving Your Chrome Web Store Link.
Ever wondered what you can learn about people by stalking them in WhatsApp? It does not rea store, transmit or analyses any of your WhatsApp activity. Chrome Web Store Chrome extension Small programs that add new features to your browser and personalize your browsing experience. WhatsApp: Nutzer lassen sich via Chrome-Plugin berwachen WhatsApp bietet Nutzern eigentlich die M glichkeit, den Zeitpunkt der letzten Aktivit t zu verbergen - allerdings bietet diese keinen Schutz gegen gezielte berwachungen, wie der Softwareentwickler Rob Heaton in einem Blogeintrag schildert.
Chrome Web Store - m Kleine Programme, die neue Funktionen zu Ihrem Browser hinzuf gen und das Surfen im Web personalisieren.
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