GermanOnlineStreams Tools Hier seht ihr, welche Software ihr f r euren eigenen Live-Stream ben tigt. Angefangen als einfache L sung f r Alerts und Notifications kauften die Betreiber nach und nach andere Tools auf (unter anderem den Ankhbot Chatbot f r Twitch) und bieten inzwischen eine gro e Allround. Advances in computer networking over the past couple decades, combined with powerful home computers and modern operating systems, have made streaming media practical and affordable for ordinary consumers. Leave the heavy lifting to some bots that live in your chat.
Grow with cloud-based Streamlabs Open Broadcast Software (OBS alerts, overlays, bot, tipping, merch). Die besten Tools Plugins f r Twitch-Streamer - Streamlabs Overfl che Streamlabs. The Best Tools for Twitch Streaming - Medium If youre a streamer or you have considering streaming, youve probably asked yourself what tools you should be using, so heres a guide to the best ones I recommend upon starting your Twitch streaming life.
Facebook Live is an easy to use livestreaming tool that is great for event planners looking to jump right into streaming without the complexities of traditional livestreaming platforms.