Thus, you receive a complete registry extract. You can use several search modes for searches within bibliographic data and legal status information. If this is the first time you are consulting the EP Register, please have a look at the introductory video below. Please try again later or contact your Customer Service Representative. They offer all those interested in IP comprehensive information on industrial property protection, including initial consultations for inventors, training courses and search support.
Furthermore, it is possible to display images of trade marks or designs returned by the search.
It is not intended for bulk data retrieval and users are limited to ten search-related actions per minute. The DPMA register is the official German register for patents, utility models, trade marks and designs. WELCOME Welcome to the European Patent Register, the place to find procedural and legal status data on patent applications handled by the European Patent Office. The register entry can be printed or downloaded. The European Patent Register is available free of charge, hours a day, days a week.
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Following a clean-up exercise of event information regarding (previously) revoked patents, that were later reinstate some existing revocation events ( Despatch of communication that patent is revoked ) were duplicated on. Via the Internet service DEPATIS net the DPMA has extended the user group and can fulfil its publication duty. The latest register information with the respective legal (and procedural) status is displayed for each hit. DOWANOL DPMA Glycol Ether Acetate Please Contact Dow for distribution options available for this product.
Misleading Register Alert event notification on. You will find detailed information on the legal and procedural status of each IP right, including: the applicant or owner. The DEPATIS net online service of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office is constantly being updated.
The detailed help sections on the DPMA register pages aid you in the process. The following support is available for your search. The service does not support automated searches (robots) and will deny access to any robots it identifies.
In this section you will find information on the search fields available on the input forms of the Beginner s Search and Expert Search as well as in the Monitoring mode of the different types of IP.
DPMA Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt - Startseite The DPMA closely cooperates with twenty patent information centres all over Germany. Professional and casual searchers can search in the DEPATIS data via DEPATIS net. In this area, you will find information on the different search functions available under DPMA register. DPMA register DEPATIS net DPMA register.
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