Therefore, if one of the arguments is a LOB, then the returned value is a LOB. See Why not use WMCONCAT function in Oracle? WMCONCAT is an undocumented function and as such is not supported by Oracle for user applications (MOS Note ID 133621). As for using varcharwith the wmconcat , it does not right pad with blank space.
Is LISTAGG technically superior or do they do the same thing very differently? In concatenations of two different datatypes, Oracle Database returns the datatype that in a lossless conversion. If this concerns you, use a User-Defined Aggregate Function described below. Do not use WMCONCAT since it is an undocumented feature and it has been removed from the latest 12c version.
What are the technical differences between WMCONCAT vs LISTAGG? Also, WMCONCAT has been removed from 12c onwar so you can t pick this option.
If one of the arguments is a national datatype, then the returned value is a national datatype. In effect, it cross-tabulates a comma delimited list. Oracle CONCAT function : The Oracle CONCAT function returns the result (a string) of concatenating two string values. For example: CONCAT (CLOB, NCLOB ) returns NCLOB.
SQL wmconcat function - Burleson Oracle Consulting Answer: Oracle Guru Laurent Schneider has this to add about the use of CAST and wmconcat: Regarding the returned by wmconcat, The use of CAST does indeed resize or expand to the specified length. Org The Oracle PLSQL WMCONCAT function is used to aggregate data from a number of rows into a single row, giving a list of data associated with a specific value. Go out and use WMCONCAT :-) What typically happens is that we are using a function internally for something, someone stumbles upon it, blogs about d voila, everyone is using it even though they know its undocumented. Any application which has had been relying on wmconcat function will not work once upgraded to 12c.
An example of the use of CAST.
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