Doxiadis defined a small megalopolis a similar cluster with a population of about million. Japanese Megalopolis is a solid 80-million people and the Northeast Megalopolis is about 55-million people. N viitorul apropiat este de ateptat ca oraul Istanbul s devin cel mai mare ora al Europei sub aspect demografic. N prezent, aglomeraia urban Moscova este considerat cea mai mare entitate urban a Europei (cu o populaie de 1mil. n Europa exist peste de orae cu populaie ce depete mil.
Contrar ateptrilor, criteriul demografic nu este unul determinant).
Japanese Megalopolis versus European Megalopolis versus
America 205 a program of the Regional Plan Association, lists megaregions in the United States and Canada. Gottmann defined its population as million. Las megalpolis europeas - t La siguiente megaregin es Ile de France, que solo cuenta con Pars (mientras que el resto de pases de Europa tienen o polos de habitantes, Francia est bastante centralizada y solo cuenta con Pars, haciendo de la ciudad una de las tres megaregiones europeas y la mayor ciudad de Europa).
The largest of which is still to be determined either the Pearl River Delta which can range from some definitions from million to as high as 1million or the European Megalopolis with 1million people.
Las megalpolis europeas - t
Termenul megalopolis a fost folosit prima dat de ctre J. Un megalopolis (din grecescul, ora mare) este o aglomerare urban ntins, alctuit din mai multe orae, cu continuitate. Gottmann, n anii ai secolului XX, pentru a denumi aria metropolitan din nord-estul SUA supranumit BosWash (Boston-New York-Philadelphia-Washington). Oraul iteriile de declarare a unui ora difer de la o ar la alta. A megalopolis, also known as a megaregion, is a clustered network of cities. The Blue Banana (French: banane bleue, in Italian Banana blu, also known as the European Megalopolis or the LiverpoolMilan Axis) is a discontinuous corridor of urbanisation spreading over Western and Central Europe, with a population of around 1million.
La Regin Rin-Ruhr es una macrorregin urbana en el estado de Nordrhein-Westfalen, Alemania (Renania del Norte-Westfalia en espaol que se expande a lo lar).
Banana Albastr (numit i Megalopolisul European sau Coloana vertebral a Europei) este un coridor de urbanizare discontinu din Europa de Vest, avnd o populaie de aproximativ 1milioane. Acestea sunt n general infrastructura specific, reeaua edilitar (alimentare cu ap, reea de gaze, canalizare ocuparea populaiei n activiti neagricole, cldiri i instituii diversificate etc.
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