And only AppleCare products give you one-stop service and support from Apple experts, so most issues can be resolved in a single call. Most Apple devices come with a limited warranty and up to days of complimentary support. Apple support is here to help. Its similar to AppleCare in price, but you can take your policy to another (if you switch s often get your repaired elsewhere (if you have a third-party shop you really like and even have technicians come to you at home or work for certain repairs).
AppleCare is subject to acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. Service and support from the people who know your Apple products best.
Check the status of a repair, an appointment and even find product workshops. Purchase of the plan is not required to purchase iPad. Geben Sie eine Seriennummer ein, damit Sie Ihre Anspruchsberechtigung auf Support und Erweiterte Abdeckung überprüfen können.
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