The rainy season is well underway in Sudan and the intensity of the downpours have led to flash floods that have claimed seven lives and left two others injure the state-owned SUNA news agency. It gained independence from the Republic of the Sudan in 201 making it the most recent sovereign state with widespread recognition. SUDAN NEWS AGENCY - SUNA Sudan News Agency.
Then Mustafa Amin became the director of the agency. The official page of Sudan News Agency (SUNA ) Sudan.
The decision establishing the Sudan News Agency (SUNA ) was made on January 1sr, 19in an address by former president Jafaar Nemeiri at Obeid town on the occasion of the countrys Independence Day. The latest Tweets from SUDAN News Agency (SUNA ) SUNA AGENCY ). Omer Al-Bashir will participate in the launching of. Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan Sudan president to attend African security and peace council Sunday KHARTOUM, May 2 20(SUNA ) President of the Republic Gen.
Sudan News Agency, also known as SUNA, is the official news agency of Sudan.
Sudan News Agency - List - t
Sudan News Agency - List - t Sudan News Agency. I always come away from SUNA conferences feeling a renewed sense of excitement about the work I m blessed to do. Official Facebook Page by SUDAN NEWS AGENCY.
SUNA was officially launched during the second anniversary of the May Revolution in 1971. SUNA Sudan News Agency, Khartoum, Sudan. SUDAN News Agency (SUNA ) SUNA AGENCY. It provides news to other organizations in English, French and Arabic.
Abdul Karim Mehdi was the first director of the SUNA.
The Sudan News Agency was launched in 1971. South Sudan s u d n,- d n officially known as the Republic of South Sudan, is a landlocked country in East-Central Africa. It s great to network with colleagues, increase my urology knowledge base, and even learn a little more about the city where the conference is held. Its capital and largest city is Juba. kreative Ressource f r Ihre Marketing- und Kommunikationsbed rfnisse. Allein durch die regelm ige Abfrage dieses Status, l sst sich bereits ein aussagekr ftiges Aktivit tsprotokoll erstellen.
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