PRESS RELEASE Cologne, June 2 20Ströer Out-of-Home Media AG plans IPO One of the leading providers of out-of-home advertising in Europe. optimise-it strengthens the Ströer Dialog Group product portfolio with immediate effect. In July 201 optimise-it became part of the Ströer Dialog Group. Optimise-it, the live chat expert from Hamburg, and the ARAG Group are jointly expanding digital customer service for Germanys largest family-owned insurance company.
This continues Ströers expansion of its dialogue media division. optimise-it expands digital customer service for ARAG Optimise-it, the live chat expert from Hamburg, and the ARAG Group are jointly expanding digital customer service for Germany s largest family-owned insurance company.
Ströer und e.GO Digital beschließen Zusammenarbeit rund um die Entwicklung innovativer Mobilitätskonzepte Ströer und die e.GO Digital GmbH, ein Startup für Mobilitätsdienstleistungen mit Sitz auf dem RWTH Aachen Campus, arbeiten zukünftig inhaltlich gemeinsam an der Entwicklung digitaler Geschäftsmodelle rund um das Ökosystem neue Mobilität in Städten. Together, Ströer and optimise-it create cross-channel, scalable communication and sales solutions for consumer communication, even handling complete business processes. The core of the digital communication concepts are sales- and service-independent. The acquisition adds an extremely dynamic technology to Ströers dialog media segment, which allows consumers to communicate through a number of different channels. PRESS RELEASE optimise-it expands digital customer service.
Optimise-it is the provider of the Realperson chat and messaging platform, one of the most flexible SaaS applications in the European market for real-time communication. PRESS RELEASE Ströer Out-of-Home Media AG plans IPO The information contained in this press release is not intended for distribution, publication or transmission to or within the United States of America, Canada, Australia or Japan.
In the future, ARAG will focus on a combination of live chat, messenger and high value customer support. As one of the leading chat service providers in Europe, optimise-it focuses primarily on a custom tailored chat solution, which can include integrations of messengers (WhatsApp, Facebook, Apple Business Chat chatbots, video-chat, co-browsing, screen sharing, and more).
The Ströer Dialog Group, part of multi-channel media company Ströer, has expanded its dialogue marketing portfolio to include one of the most flexible chat solutions on the European market through the acquisition of optimise-it GmbH. About optimise-it optimise-it GmbH is one of the leading providers of live chat and messaging services in Europe and has been part of the Ströer Dialog Group since July 2018. (Du musst ja erst einmal ben, wie man solche Aufgaben l st.) Sp ter geht das dann schneller. Bekannte Gedichte auswendig lernen, ihre Strukturen erkennen und dann auch selber schreiben. Bekannte Zitate - Ber hmte Redner und ihre ber hmten, eindrucksvollen Reden haben die Epochen der Menschheitsgeschichte beeinflusst.
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