See below for the definitions of locale. Table of locales - MoodleDocs Returns the language code of this Locale. Telefonnummern und Adressen f r Personen oder Firmen und praktische Informationen von jedem Ort in der ganzen Schweiz.
It is now preferable to use bit character set of Unicode. Locale (Java Platform SE ) - Oracle Help Center Returns the language code of this Locale. As defined by Microsoft, a locale is either a language or a language in combination with a country. Locale Internationalization services Python Except for the code aposC the language code corresponds to RFC 1766.
Language Codes - Sorted by - Science NOTE : Code page is an outdated method for character encoding, yet it is still in use. Tlocale (categoryLCCTYPE ) Returns the current setting for the given locale category as sequence containing language code, encoding. The support for locale-sensitive behavior in the java.
List of ISO 639-codes
Text packages is almost entirely platform independent, so all locales are supported in the same way and simultaneously, independent of the host operating system and its localization. List of ISO 639-codes - ISO 639-2T: three-letter codes, for the same languages as 639-ISO 639-2B: three-letter codes, mostly the same as 639-2T, but with some codes derived from English names rather than native names of languages (in the following table, these differing codes are highlighted in boldface). Localeaposs constructor recognizes both the new and the old codes for the languages whose codes have change but this function always returns the old code. Locale - Locale may refer to: Locale (computer software a set of parameters that defines the useraposs language, region and any special variant preferences that the user wants to see in their user interfaceusually a locale identifier consists of at least a language identifier and a region identifier).
Language code and encoding may be None if their values cannot be determined. Note: ISO 6is not a stable standard some languagesapos codes have changed. Category may be one of the LC values except LCALL.
Java Supported Locales - m Enabled Locales for java. Auf dieser Website einen Rechner zur Berechnung des Kindesunterhaltes für Minderjährige und für Volljährige sowie einen Rechner zur Berechnung des Trennungsunterhaltes.
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