Right out of the gate nightbot comes with commands that you can start using as soon as you sync your twitch account with nightbot. You could also have commands based on a game you re playing, like if you re playing a game with mods, have a command that tells what mods you re using. Command List was last updated on for PhantomBot v Command List Variables. Twitch Bot Commands - Psynaptic Media by Psynaps Info Commands: NEW:!shop Link to the PsyShop to brows Intos, overlays, backgrounds, etc.!compression Link to Psynapss best compression settings for and videos.!members Members and Twitch Sub-only content.!
Psynapss Channel. Broadcasters and channel moderators appointed by the broadcaster are equipped with a set of commands and features that will allow them to closely monitor and moderate the chat. Nightbot is a really useful tool to use while youre Streaming. These features and commands range from giving a user a quick timeout to built in anti-spam.
Commands: 1) ignore (name) OR unignore (na). Twitch bots are here to help you with chat moderation and variety of customized commands that viewers can access. Common Bot Commands for Streamers - StreamerSquare Currently, the best link to use is and simply replace channel with your channel name.!freesub Having a quick way for people to learn more about Twitch Prime and how to redeem their free subscription is a great idea.!uptime Used to let people know how long the channel has been live for.
Twitch Bot Commands - Psynaptic Media by Psynaps
A short video about the top Twitch Chat Mod (Moderation) Commands. Contained on this page are the commands for PhantomBot. If you are new to the world of gaming and streaming, you might be wondering- what are Twitch bots?
They are listed by their respective scripts, with the commands and a short explanation on what the commands do and how to use them. Commands for social media are fairly common and very useful!twitter,!,!steam,!links!social. Leave a comment if you have any questions. Think of Twitch bots as your robotic moderator- they perform many of the functions that a good moderator does, but in less time. Bitte entschuldigen Sie die Unannehmlichkeiten die Ihnen dadurch entstanden sind und haben Sie vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis und Ihre Geduld.
Die Anlage liegt Minuten zu Fuss vom Zentrum Sörenberg enfernt und direkt an Skiliftanlagen und Wanderwegen. Im architektonischen Gesamtkonzept entstanden auf dem Baufeld E acht Mehrfamilienhäuser in Zusammenarbeit mit Frutiger AG Generalunternehmung, Aebi Vincent Architekten, Rodolphe Luscher Architekten und Weber Brönnimann. Reverso offers you a German definition dictionary to search stur and thousands of other words.
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