The Platters - Only You (And You Alone) Original This is the original version of Only You recorded by the Platters on the Federal label before they signed with Mercury Records and recorded a slightly diff. Only You (Yazoo song) - Only You debuted at number seventy-two on the UK singles chart, on April. The Notorious B.I.G.) - Only You - 1Only You (from the self titled debut album 1996). Over the next few weeks, the song steadily climbed the chart, and on May peaked at number two, only behind the Eurovision winning song A Little Peace.
The Platters - Only You (And You Alone) (Original Only You (And You Alone m s conocida como Only You es una canci n estadounidense compuesta en 19por Buck Ram y Ande Rand. Flying Pickets - Only You - The Flying Pickets is a British a cappella vocal group, that had a surprise number one hit in 19in the UK singles chart, with their cover of Yazooaposs track - Only You. Only You - ORIGINAL song by Jadyn Rylee (Ft. They were also the only act to have three songs included on the American Graffiti soundtrack that fueled an oldies revival already underway in the early to mid-1970s: Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, The Great Pretender, and Only You (and You Alone). Selena Gomez - Only You (Official Audio) - Category Music Song Only You Artist Selena Gomez Album Reasons Why (A Netflix Original Series Soundtrack) Writers Vince Clarke.
Thereaposs only you, (only you can make me feel the way I do, nobody in the world could ever take the place of you) Only you, (I look into your eyes it makes me wanna cry, cause I know whataposs in your heart I know whataposs on your mind) ooh ooh ooh, Thereaposs only you Bridge: sometimes I laugh before you.
Only You (And You Alone) (often shortened to Only You). The Platters - Only You (And You Alone) Lyrics Lyrics to aposOnly You (And You Alone by The Platters: Only you, can make this world seem right Only you, can make the darkness bright Only you, and you alone, can thrill me like you do And fill my heart with love for only you). The Platters - The Platters were the first rock and roll group to have a Top Ten album in the United States. La versi n original es de The Platters, cantando como voz principal Tony Williams. THE PLATTERS - ONLY YOU - Category Music Song Only You Artist The Platters Album Enchanted Writers Buck Ram, Ande Rand Licensed to by Merlin XelonEntertainment, UMG (on behalf of Turntable Recordings LTD EMI).
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