This list only includes servers with A grade on t and that allow In-Band Registration (XEP-0077). There are also servers from the old jabber. This is a list of public XMPP servers, free for everyone to use.
For example the IP used to register an account, chat messages and file uploads are all kept for days. Greyed icons mean that those services aren t accesible from external servers. XMPP Server List Public XMPP server list and metadata in JSON format.
Server administrators can register their servers by following the registration instructions. iChat Server jabberdjabberdMetronome MongooseIM Openfire Prosody Sun Java System Instant Messaging Server Tigase RFC 3920: XMPP Core Obsolete Yes: Unknown Yes: Yes: Unknown Yes: Yes: Yes Unknown Yes: RFC 3921: XMPP IM Obsolete Yes: Unknown Yes: Yes: Unknown Yes: Yes: Yes Unknown Yes: RFC 3922: XMPP CPIM Final: Yes Unknown Unknown Unknown. Open list of public XMPP servers Most XMPP server lists are biased or abandoned. This XMPP server does keep logs, but I am adding them to the list because they are very clear about this, indicating how many days logs are kept for and what the content. An XMPP server provides basic messaging, presence, and XML routing features.
This is a list of servers with public registration (i.e., anyone can for free). If the service Jabber ID is from a different domain than the server, it will be ignored. Biased lists are most often compiled on the basis of unverifiable criteria and personal opinion of the list owner.
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XMPP is a open, free and decentralized instant messaging network. Follow the links to the website to , or use a client that supports in-band registration. We have created this open XMPP server list so that anyone can add server or recommend their favorite server.
The servers that appear on this list are those that requested their inclusion in the list maintained by the XSF or the the list maintained by. Org list that existed until 20and servers that people requested to include. This is in no way a complete list of the JabberXMPP servers on Intenrnet.
Due to its decentralized nature, there are thousands of XMPP servers available from which to choose from. This page lists JabberXMPP server software that you can use to run your own XMPP service, either over the Internet or on a local area network. Note: The following software was not developed by the XMPP Standards Foundation and has not been formally tested. The best XMPP Jabber servers for anonymous chat Hacker 10. Most times that indicates that they are only available for users of that server.
We do not divide the servers into bad.
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