All I want to know is that will Rosalya be mean or will it just not affect her. With My Candy Love, flirt with the guys you like and live a true love story. So I wanted to ask you if I choose not to help Rosalya, will it affect my relation with her for future episodes? (I recently watched a couple of different playthroughs for episode 3 each one following different routes castiel s and lysander s. On this website called My Candy Love Leigh s girlfriend (Lysander is Leigh s brother) Rosalya wants to find this stupid 4dollar ring may I add that she LOST.
Discover new episodes regularly and meet the students at Sweet Amoris High School.
In Highschool Life, the original game, you embody Candy, a teenage girl who recently transferred to Sweet Amoris High School. My Candy Love Walkthroughs April 2 2014: I have decided to cut down on images. This blog is purely fan-made and is not for profit.
If youre trying to get pity from me so Ill go get your strings, you can keep on dreaming. The images aren t the main point of this blog, plus there are tons of issues with loading, and hosting. An I ve heard Rosalya will be helping Candy in the future episodes.
Episode Quests: Help Rosalya and Leigh make up.
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My Candy Love Amour Sucr is copyrighted by Beemoov Games. I m scare because I take Rosa as a loyal frien and who doesn t like Leigh? My Candy Love (Amour Sucr) is an online web browser visual novel by Beemoov, released in 20in its original French version, and in 20in various languages.
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