While preparing the format for an upcoming Sprint Retrospective with Scrum Master Paul Bertens, we came across the Weather Forecast Retrospective. This way the Scum Master could focus on what was actually going on during the event instead of fully diving into facilitation mode. Retrospective 8: mood weather - My agile The weather mood retrospective is a retrospective that I appreciate a lot it brings a little freshness to the retrospectives.
My favourite exercise to start off a Sprint Retrospective is probably the Weather Report, which I found on Retromat, a. This sector gives access to historic weather data for over 50stations worldwide. Retrospective Techniques for Coaches, Scrum (Safety Check) Weather report What to do when safety is low in a retrospective Check-In Question Amazon review Three words Greetings from the iteration Take a stand Outcome expectations Last retroaposs actions table Draw the sprint Emoticon project gauge Constellation Happiness histogram Agile values Feeling Matter: One-word exercise. Find weather information for wherever you are with UK weather, worldwide weather and holiday weather forecasts.
Sprint Retrospective in Weather Forecast format - Together we decided I would facilitate one Sprint Retrospective. For this occasion I came up with the format of a Weather Forecast. Uk - Weather: Weather Weather from WeatherCast, powered by MeteoGroup. Our historic station data consists of: Mean daily maximum temperature (tmax) Mean daily minimum temperature (tmin) Days of.
Predicting The Weather: A Weather Forecast Using different formats for your Sprint Retrospective is a great way to help a Scrum Team inspect their process through different lenses and perspectives. Im not posting on Medium anymore but have recently written about the exercise below and many more on my blog. Weather - History - tables - WeatherOnline History - Tables worldwide Temperatures, duration of sunshine, wind and more. The series typically range from to more than 1years in length.
Historic station data - Met Office Monthly data are available for a selection of long-running historic stations.
Sprint Retrospective in Weather Forecast format
It will aim to focus on the mood of the team while forgetting to look for real axis of improvement. Org Past Weather in London, Englan United Kingdom Yesterday and Last Weeks. The Scrum retrospective weather report - Magnus Update: Interested in check-in exercises for agile retrospectives? Lustige Streiche Geilste Pranks F r Freunde und Familie. Auf findest du gro artige Videos und erstklassige Musik.
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