During our visit, we saw quite a few paintings and drawings by Johannes Hugentobler, the same artist who painted many of the colorful building facades. The Folklore Museum is housed in a modern building next to the show dairy in Stein (Appenzell Ausserrhoden). Occupying seven floors, it displays beautifully painted wooden furniture with pastoral scenes in the local Bauernmalerei style, lacework, costumes, weapons, religious art, flags and banners, cheesemaking. When you want to settle in and find a place to stay, check out some of the hotels and other accommodations that Expedia offers in the area. Museum Appenzell - Hauptgasse 90Appenzell, Switzerland - Rated based on Reviews Innovativ, interessant und schön gestaltet.
Hotels near Museum of Appenzell Customs: (mi) B B Gastehaus Rossli Schwellbrunn ( mi) Boutique Hotel Baren Gonten (mi) Landgasthaus Rossli (mi) Santis - das Hotel (mi) Hotel Landhaus Santis View all hotels near Museum of Appenzell Customs on TripAdvisor.
Main areas of focus: Appenzell hand embroidery, traditional costumes, local beliefs, customs, folk art and furniture painting. Cheesemaking in the original Alpine hut, weaving at the satin stitch loom, embroidery at the manual stitching machine as well as film shows. Opening hours summer May to October Monday to Friday: 1am and pm.
We enjoyed visiting the Museum Appenzell and getting glimpses of some very impressive works by several local artists and craftspeople. Appenzell Museum, which is in the town hall, shows a cross section of Appenzells history and culture. Choose from more than 3properties, ideal house rentals for families, groups and couples. Activities for children, videos on a variety of subjects.
The facades of the buildings are decorated with frescoes. Appenzell Museum is located in Appenzell.
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Cultural and historical museum of the canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden. This heritage museum gives the inside scoop on rural life and folk traditions in Appenzell. The car-free village beckons with pretty lanes and a myriad of small stores and boutiques that are ideal for shopping and browsing.
Appenzellerland Tourismus AI CH-90Appenzell P. Explore an array of Appenzell Museum, Appenzell District vacation rentals, including houses, apartment and condo rentals more bookable online. Choose from these hotels and other accommodations, all within a mile of Appenzell Museum.
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