Dienstag, 7. Juli 2015

Travelmate robotics amazon

Travelmate robotics amazon

Travelmate Robotics: The first robot assistant Story Invest in Travelmate Robotics. For now, if you really must have one, you can back the project on Indiegogo, and receive one of the first wave of of suitcases at a discount. It can follow you w Check out aposTravelmate: a Fully Autonomous Suitcase and Robotapos on Indiegogo. To gain a better understanding of the TravelMate, I interviewed TravelMate Robotics CEO David Near.

It has vertical and horizontal autonomous modes. Itaposs an autonomous suitcase that follows you around on your travels you donapost need to hold or carry it. The S model is perfect for any situation and is sized to comply with all carry on specifications. TravelMate: an autonomous suitcase - CNBC This robotic companion, TravelMate, lives up to its name.

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This Futuristic Robot Suitcase Moves On Its Own

Tied to your smart, it matches your speed and can navigate around large crowds without bumping into anyone. This Smart Suitcase Is Able To Follow You Since then, TravelMate Robotics has raised nearly 500and there are distributors lined up in nearly 1countries. Travelmate: a Fully Autonomous Suitcase and A revolutionary self moving suitcase and robot companion.

We believe Travelmate is the first all purpose consumer robot on the market and will usher in a new era of robotics for all.
Travelmate Robotics Travelmate S Inches: 2 x x 1 Centimeters: x x The best carry on suitcase ever. Travelmate is an autonomous robot companion that is practical, innovative and brings the future to you.

Right now, Travelmate has a starting price of 399. This Futuristic Robot Suitcase Moves On Its Own Travelmate is a fully autonomous smart suitcase that can go up to mph. Get Travelmate Robotics Travelmate Robotics For a limited time, we are offering free shipping worldwide. Robotic Suitcase by Travelmate Robotics - Though the suitcase is not yet commercially available, Travelmate Robotics is currently raising funds to get this thing into mass production. The TravelMate is available in three different sizes (small, medium and large) at prices of 39 4and 5respectively.

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Travelmate Robotics: The first robot assistant

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