Mittwoch, 11. November 2015

Discord radio bot

Discord radio bot

Iaposve only had the bot since yesterday, but I like it very much, because it has good and better features than our previous music bot on our discor which is why weaposre slowly switching to your bot. Find the Discord bot youaposre looking for with our search tools, or take a look at whataposs popular in the sections below. Discord Radio Bot online Radio h ren TippCenter Damit Sie Radiosender auf Ihrem Discord-Server abspielen k nnen, installieren Sie einfach einen Radio Bot. If you want know the main bot go to the website : Click here or go here : DBL Link. He play many radios and you can play the one you want with a feed r!list and r!radio or other and if you want personalized radio : r!radio Link.

Sind Sie dann mit Freunden in einem Voice-Channel, machen es viele Bots m glich, dass der Bot Ihnen wie ein anderer Nutzer beitritt und den Radiosender abspielt. Discord: Radio Bot hinzuf gen - so gehtaposs - CHIP Discord: Radio Bot hinzuf gen - so klapptaposs. This is a radio bot, he can stay in a channel 24hif you want. M chten Sie den Bot Ihrem Discord hinzuf gen, klicken Sie auf Invite.

Discord Music Bots Discord Bot List - Spice up your Discord experience with our diverse range of Music Discord bots Discord Music Bots Discord Bot List Discord Bots has moved to.

DabBot The Discord Music Bot

Bots on Discord

MythBot Radio Discord Bots MythBot Radio, one of the few unique music bots. DabBot Commandsdiscordfm A Discord music bot providing high quality music from, Radio Stations, Soundclou Twitch, and much more. RadioBotsEU - TeamSpeak Musicbot Hosting With the Discord Bot I had a small bug in the system at the beginning, which was fixed in the twinkling of an eye.

Fully user-supporte with over Radio Stations from all over the world. Akimitsu Radio 24Discord Bots This bot is the second of the Akimitsu Bot. Bots on Discord Welcome to Bots on Discord. DabBot The Discord Music Bot A Discord music bot providing high quality music from, Radio Stations, Soundclou Twitch, and much more. Klicken Sie den gew nschten Bot an, um n here Informationen zu erhalten.

Auf dieser Seite ber das Suchfeld Radio Bots.

Discord Music Bots Discord Bot List

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Discord Radio Bot online Radio h ren TippCenter

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