Montag, 30. November 2015

Nightbot uptime command youtube

Nightbot uptime command

(twitch night displayName has followers followers ) would result in. Cooldown - Time minimum amount of time between command uses (to prevent the command from spamming the chat) Custom Commands. As far as I personally know, there is no way to get any sort of time from the Gaming API. Examples Adding a command to show chatters your channel s uptime.

I m questioning myself how do they do this since I can t find any possible way to achieve this. This may be possible in the future with updates but I suggest you keep a timer on the stream for a easy fix. Nightbot help with!uptime command Question (twitch USERNAMEHERE uptimeLength ) I added this command for my stream but I think it bugged and I need to remove it can someone tell me the command when I try using the command again it says the name already exists.

I ve seen on a channel Mainstage an uptime command for Nightbot!time. Nightbot is a chat bot for Twitch and that allows you to automate your live stream s chat with moderation and new features, allowing you to spend more time entertaining your viewers. Commands add!uptime Stream uptime: (twitch (channel) uptimeLength ) Adding a command to show chatters your channel s stats.

Nightbot is able to be programmed with customized commands which can be utilized to display information to your chatroom. Most frequently this is social links, but there is a multitude of cool commands you can form. An equity partner makes more than half of their money from the profits of the firm, while a non-equity partner makes most of their money from a regular salary.

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