Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2016

Divorce suisse

Divorce suisse

You can file a joint application if you and your partner agree to divorce or either partner can file a unilateral application. Twitter (external Link, new window) Facebook (external Link, new window). What you need to know to help you make the important decisions surrounding your divorce: the procedure, child custody and maintenance payments, the division of property and assets, and changing your family name.

If you want to get a divorce, you must submit an application to the court. In Switzerlan family affairs such as marriage, parenthood and divorce are regulated by the Swiss Code of Civil Law (ZGB, art.

Qu en est-il du nom de famille, de la procdure de divorce, de la pension alimentaire, de. Since January 201 equalization payments have been available if your spouse is already drawing a retirement or disability pension from the Pension Fund. Foreign citizens may also choose to divorce in Switzerland if the. According to Article in the Statute on Private International Law, Swiss courts will rule in cases of divorce where one of the spouses are residents or domiciled in the country. Divorce en ligne dans toute la Suisse Divorce et sparation par consentement mutuel par Internet en Suisse. vous permet de rdiger votre convention et votre requte de divorce ou de sparation par consentement mutuel sans aucun frais d avocat.

The Swiss legislation about divorce procedures. The divorce application must be submitted to the court in the canton where one or both of you resides.

Separation and divorce

The court will use its discretion to decide the distribution of pensions and award the eligible spouse a share of the pension. Divorce abroad Foreign decisions on divorce or legal separation are normally recognised in Switzerland when handed down in the country of domicile or of habitual residence, or the state of nationality of one of the spouses, or if recognised in one of these countries (Federal Act on Private International Law (SR 291). Divorcer implique de nombreuses dcisions: quelles sont les consquences d un divorce en droit suisse? In the case of the dissolution of a binational marriage, the question arises whether Swiss law or the appropriate foreign law applies.

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