2) Head to Streamlabs integrations, and click Link. How do I enable the integration with the Streamlabs Extension? The bot can also answer to commands, run mini-games and post timers in the discord if you so prefer. Streamlabs Chatbot can join your discord server to let your viewers know when you are live by automatically announce when your stream goes live.
1) First, set up a discord server. This would allow people to add this bot to their Discord server to notify people when people: Follow DonateTip Bit cheer Host Start stream End stream Ect. The updates would be embedded based on your alert box or other current streamlabs features. In case you connected your account prior to version then you need to generate a new token.
Xmas giveaway you can register during 1-25. With this, you would need to choose a channel where they would post these updates.
Dezember it gets rolled who wins the giveaway, to enter you have to spend xxx amount of streamlabs currency). The bot can also answer to commands, run mini games and post timers in the discord if you so prefer. 3) Add the Streamlabs Bot to your new server, and grant access to all permissions. Note: Before you start this guide, make sure that Twitch Bot is connected.
Streamlabs Chatbot can join your discord server to let your viewers know when you are going live by automatically announce when your stream goes live.
It would be really cool to use the streamlabs currency gained during the streams for special give aways on discord that kinda have a longer time for registration than just in the twitch chat (i.e. First you need to connect your Streamlabs account. The new tab Live Actions has now appeared on your Recent Events dashboar and from there you ll be able to configure the discord bot and publish your message. Click on Connections - Streamlabs - Generate Token, This will open your browser and allow you to generate a new token.
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