What is an appropriate salutation for multiple addressees in a business letter? Hello, I teach a weekly English conversation class, and a student asked me a question for which I had no good answer. Assuming they re both male, I just use Sirs, but it seems a bit informal. In British English, don t use any punctuation mark or use a comma. To whom it may concern is too generic and awkward because I know exactly whom the letter concerns, and something like Dear Friends doesn t work because I m often writing letters to people who aren t exactly my friends.
A native English speaker would have no problem understanding that Margaret is a woman, but some non-native speakers may not be aware that Margaret is a females name. How do you greet multiple recipients in an ?
Just imagine for a nanosecond what it feels like to receive something at work that explicitly spells out it is aimed only at men. It depends who youre writing to, I think. Business partners often call each other by their first names. If you think the greeting isn t all that important, you re wrong.
If it s a company you are writing to, you may start with, - Dear Sirs. He wanted to know what is the proper salutation for a business when the is sent to a large group of people who all work at different companies.
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Stuart Cook - April 2 201 11:pm Reply. It s the formal way to address both genders. Dear Gents, If you write Dear Gents on an - make sure there is no chance a female colleague or client could possibly see this. In this case, write the salutation as follows: Dear Sue. There s one good way to start it, and several phrases to avoid.
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