I also found that everyone is a self-proclaimed expert on settings ( :D and everyone has their own Best Settings for Twitch). Best OBS Settings for Streaming on Twitch, Mixer, or With all of the streaming programs out there, its to no ones surprise that OBS Studio is the go-to choice for most streamers. When you stream to your viewers, you need to ensure you are giving them high-quality content. One way of achieving this is to have the best OBS stream settings.
In this guide I will show you which OBS Twitch Settings are the best and how to achieve a lag free stream on Twitch so you can share your gameplay. In this guide, Ill explain to you the best OBS settings for Twitch streaming.
This will bring up a list of options. Open the OBS Studio and look at the bottom-right corner. I have hesitated to do any guides on OBS because there ARE SO MANY already, but still I find missing and very inaccurate information. A higher bitrate takes up more of your available internet bandwidth. Increasing your bitrate can improve your video quality, but only up to a certain point- our recommended bitrate settings have been tested to optimize video quality without wasting bandwidth.
On there, click on the recording tab.
If you already have configured OBS before but want best settings to stream HD videos in 1080p 60Fps then you need to tweak your settings. Yes, good equipment is important, but youll still experience problems if you dont use the right encoding settings. OBS Settings For Twitch The key to making a live stream on Twitch look professional is not always the equipment.
First of all, select a recording path. With a simple interface and tons of features, OBS studio has become the staple for stable streams on virtually all platforms. Follow all the settings given below as will guide you on how you can stream on Twitch using OBS.
This is the location where your OBS will store your captured videos. OBS Studio is an encoding software program that is used for live streaming videos. To configure OBS recording settings, go to Settings, and then to Output tab and select Advanced on Output Mode.
Your ingest bitrate is the amount of data you send to Twitch when you stream.
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