After all, if Im a member of the Administrators group, shouldnt I have access to everything? Access denied for user root localhost while attempting to grant privileges. It could very well be that (and I m highly speculating now) you were truly affected by problem Bogdan mentioned (although it presents when one has many many DSN s defined and for SystemUser DSN s mostly) and you copied grant tables from older version of MySQL server to newer one. If youre a developer, youll run into a UAC issue sooner or later. Access denied for user someusersomewhere (using password: YES) The issue for me was not enclosing the password in quots.
User Account Control (UAC) can seem mysterious. Usually they are only set for access via localhost only, especially for the root user. I have added the user to the Remote Desktop Users group I have added the Remote Desktop Users group to the local machine.
When i am using a domain user, i am able to browse the RDweb, but when i click on paint, it s logging into the RDS server, but at a certain time i get the error: Access is denied. Does somebody have an idea of what might be going on?
Why this doesn t work: MySQLODBC DriverAccess denied for user. Another message, if I try using toolbar shortcuts, reads: Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. o) What was the type of DSN? I needed to use -p password instead of -ppassword. mysql CREATE DATABASE moyennegenerale ERROR 10(420Access denied for user root to database moyennegenerale I understand is used to signify any host, but my status clearly states localhost.
You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.
This means that I can t even go back into msconfig and change the startup settings back to their defaults. If you really do need to allow remote root access, then please consider changing the username so that people can t easily guess your servers superuser account. Verify that there is a root entry setup in your permissions table. If you try to connect as root and get the following error, it means that you do not have a row in the user table with a User column value of root and that mysqld cannot resolve the host name for your client: Access denied for user unknown These errors indicate a DNS problem.
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