Donnerstag, 24. November 2016

Threema 3 7 apk download

Threema apk download

Threema kann völlig anonym verwendet werden und bietet alle Funktionen, die man von einem modernen Instant Messenger erwartet. Threema is a mobile messaging app that puts security and privacy first. Threema for Androi Blackberry, Nokia Asha, i, Windows , iPa Fire , Firefox OS, PC, Windows, Mac, Linux.

Threema ist der weltweit beliebteste sichere Messenger und schützt Ihre Daten vor dem Zugriff durch Hacker, Unternehmen und Regierungen. Threema can be used completely anonymously, allows to make end-to-end encrypted voice calls, and offers every feature one would expect from a state-of-the-art instant messenger. Threema Work can be used without a number and without a SIM card and supports tablets and smartwatches. Threema is the worlds favorite secure messenger and keeps your data out of the hands of hackers, corporations and governments.

With true end-to-end encryption, you can rest assured that only you and the intended recipient can read your messages. The quickest and easiest way to manage your Myaccount on-the-go. Threema Work is tailored to the use in organizations and provides numerous benefits over the consumer version of Threema, especially in terms of administration, user management, app distribution, and preconfiguration.

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