Montag, 25. September 2017

Azure ad scope

Azure ad scope

You have a client application (web or native) and this application needs to call an API. New objects are created in the managed domain. You are mixing up the Vand Vendpoint.

You can now build your own Web API protected by the OAuth flow and you can add your own scopes with Azure AD v endpoint (also with Azure AD B2C). We are excited to announce that now you can have greater control over your web APIs when you secure them using Azure AD B2C. OAuthdefines the concept of scope as a list of space-delimite case-sensitive strings that specifies the scope of the access request.

Continuing the customization of the basic two tiers scenario introduced in my previous posts, I would like to talk about scopes.

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This is a typical use case within B2C. The offlineaccess scope gives your app access to resources on behalf of the user for an extended time. Defining permission scopes and roles offered by an app in Azure AD. This post is writing about Azure AD v endpoint. If youre using v please see Build your own api with Azure AD (written in Japanese).

When you want to use Outlook REST API, OneDrive API, Azure AD Graph API, Power BI REST API, etc, etc, first you should go to Azure Active Directory settings in Azure Portal. It requires an OAuth Bearer token and the. Today, we are enabling the public preview for using access tokens with your web APIs.

In this settings, you can set these APIs for required permissions and you can see the apps id and scopes id in the manifest text as follows.

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On the consent page, this scope appears as the Maintain access to data you have given it access to permission. When a user approves the offlineaccess scope, your app can receive refresh tokens from the Microsoft identity platform token. In the Vendpoint, we support a querystring of scope which allows you to dynamically determine the scopes you want in your access token at the time of the token request.

When you change the synchronization scope for an Azure AD DS managed domain, a full resynchronization occurs. Before digging into the Intune roles, there are also Intune related roles available within Azure AD. After that our app gets a token with the scope in it (some claims removed.

Changing the scope of synchronization causes the Azure AD DS managed domain to resynchronize all data.

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Last month I presented at our local user group how many Global Administrators they had in their environment. Objects that are no longer required in the Azure AD DS managed domain are deleted. A role can be for instance a predefined role in Intune or a custom role. Anschliessend besteht fr den Bewerber die Mglichkeit selber Fragen zu stellen.

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