Mittwoch, 27. September 2017

Euipo esearch design

Euipo esearch design

Designs - European Union Intellectual Property A design is the appearance of a product: its shape, patterns and colours. Enter an Identification Code (ID) to view the original document of a EUTM certificate. EUIPO decisions, judgments of the General Court, Court of Justice and national courts. EUIPO - eSearch EUIPO - eSearch 14:Sida av Trade marks (1) Designs (0) Owners (1).

At the European Union Intellectual Property Office we register close to 0designs a year. The eSearch plus application provides you with comprehensive information about trade marks, designs, owners, representatives and bulletins.

European Union Intellectual Property Office

Databases - European Union Intellectual Property

Today this office is called European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO this is the body in charge of registering Trademarks in the European Union). It enables you to perform quick and efficient searches within EUIPO aposs databases. European Union Intellectual Property Office The term OHIM stands for Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market, this term is no longer in use since march, 2016. A registered Community design is valid in all countries of the European Union.

Databases - European Union Intellectual Property Databases Trade marks and designs. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. ESearch - European Union Intellectual Property eSearch plus.

ESearch - European Union Intellectual Property

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EUIPO - eSearch

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