Montag, 2. Oktober 2017

Sqlstate[hy000] [1045] access denied for user

Sqlstate access denied for user

SQLSTATEHY 010Access denied for user root localhost (using password: YES) Posted years ago by Przemysuaw83. SQLSTATEHY 010Access denied for user root localhost (using password: NO) I have created database and name it magento. SQLSTATEHY 010Access denied for user dbuser localhost (using password: YES) 8. I tried to run drush cr and I also received similar errors.

I really don t know what to do and what s going on. PDOE xception SQLSTATEHY 010Access denied for user root localhost (using password: YES) this time i used vagrant and after running this command php artisan migrate i got this error, and i think i setup properly my configurations, until i found out on laravel documentation about this.env file.

SQLSTATEHY 010Access denied for user drupaluser localhost (using password: YES) I installed Drupal vis Aquia s DevDesktop with drupaluser as the user name and no password for the database. If you guys support through skype then TeamViewr that would be helpful. Finding problems while wiring my database using CakePhp.

Do I have to edit some file and in what folder? and if I type CREATE DATABASE PHP THEN the result is access denied for user localhost to database PHP. Stack Exchange network consists of 1Q A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. SQLSTATEHY 010Access denied for user homestead localhost (using password: YES) Here my.env information.
DBCONNECTION mysql DBHOST localhost DBPORT 33DBDATABASE homestead DBUSERNAME homestead DBPASSWORD secret I changed the permission and restarted server but same result.

I am new to PHP and CakePHP. I am on Bitnami WAMP stack I am using CakePhp to create a web mvc. MOST IMPORTANT FOR ME IS SOLVE PROBLEM OF THE CONNECTION TO DATABASE. I have the same probleSQLSTATEHY 010Access denied for user froxlor localhost (using password: YES). Don t know where is the problem there is no local.

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Manchmal ist es viel einfacher als man selbst hinein interpretiert).

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