Dienstag, 16. Mai 2017

Chrome manage extensions

Chrome manage extensions

At the top right, click More More tools Extensions. Small programs that add new features to your browser and personalize your browsing experience. Right-click the icon and select Remove from Chrome.

If you can t see the extension s icon: On your computer, open Chrome. These little, but powerful extensions work right alongside your browser helping you to: stay organize work efficiently, create and share your content, manage your finances and much more.

Youll see the extensions icon appear to the right of the address bar. On to the extension you want to remove, click Remove. If you don t see the extension s icon: On your computer, open Chrome. Chrome extensions are a great tool to improve your productivity by assisting you in daily tasks while using the browser. If you dont need an extension running all the time, toggle it on and off: Click the Chrome menu button, choose More Tools, and select Extensions.

Click Remove on the extension that you want to remove. To open up your extensions page, click the menu icon (three dots) at the top right of Chrome, point to More Tools, then click on Extensions. Click the icon to change settings and further manage individual Chrome extensions.

You can also type chrome extensions into Chromes Omnibox and press Enter. Extensions are a great way to add helpful and productive functionality to Chrome, and the Chrome Web Store has thousands of them to choose from in categories ranging from Social and Communication to Developer Tools and Business Productivity. If you don t know how to manage Chrome extensions, it can clutter.

Youll likely need only a few to enhance your. The Chrome Extension Store is a treasure trove of tools for small businesses.

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