At the 20census the total expatriate population was 780or 4 of the population. Oman - Oman has a very young population, with percent of its inhabitants under the age of 15. The population of Oman represents percent of the world s total population which arguably means that one person in every 24people on the planet is a resident of Oman. To a certain extent this is the result of a long tradition of commercial and cultural relations with Persia and East Africa, a history of maritime trade and tribal migrations.
Oman Population (2019) - Worldometers The current population of Oman is 016as of Saturday, October 2 201 based on Worldometers elaboration of the latest United Nations data. Muscat is located along the countryaposs coastline and serves as the main trading center.
Oman - Population 20m
Demographics of Oman - Because of the combination of a relatively small Omani population and a fast-growing oil-driven economy, Oman has attracted many migrants. Oman 20population is estimated at 979people at mid year according to UN data. This page provides - Oman Population - actual values, historical data, forecast, chart, statistics, economic calendar and news. La population augmente rapidement en raison daposun taux daposimmigration lev.
Most migrants are males from India (466for both sexes Bangladesh (10125) or Pakistan (8658). Oman - Population 20m Zeilen Oman ended 20with a population of 170people, which represents an increasea.
Oman population (2019) live Countrymeters Oman population Oman population is projected to increase by 499people and reach 502in the beginning of 2020. The largest city and capital is Muscat, with a population of around 80000. Live Oman Population Clock 20- Polulation of Zeilen Update to date information about population of Oman in 2019.
The natural increase is expected to be positive, as the number of births will exceed the number of deaths by 10492. Lors du recensement de 201 la population tait estim e habitants 9. Oman p dia La population daposOman est estim e habitants au 8. Oman Population 20(Demographics, Maps, of the population of Oman live in an urban area and there are many cities that these numbers are spread between. Nearly percent of the population lives in Muscat and the Batinah coastal plain northwest of the capital.
Oman population is equivalent to of the total world population.
Muscataposs greater metro area holds million people). Omani people are predominantly of Arab, Baluchi and African origins. Population of Oman - Chronicle m The population of Oman is characterized by a large variety of ethnic backgrounds. Best WordPress Live Chat Plugins for Customer Service Success.
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