Montag, 26. November 2018

Bajor kai

Bajor kai

A Kai had supreme religious power over the Bajorans, surpassed only by that of the Emissary of the Prophets. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion, p). The Cardassians stole all but one Orb before the end of their occupation of Bajor in 2369. The Kai is the spiritual leader. The Circle s goal was to eliminate all external influences from Bajor, including the Federation, which would have served Winn s purposes in getting rid of Commander Sisko, whom she resented as the Emissary of the Prophets.

Captain Kira Nerys is a Bajoran Starfleet officer and current commander of the U.S.S. After Kai Opaka departed in 236 the election of a new Kai from the members of the Vedek Assembly led to the election of Kai Winn, who remained Kai until her demise in 2375.

Ex Astris Scientia - Bajoran Orbs

Kai Opaka presented the one remaining Orb to Sisko, knowing that he would become the Emissary (DS9: Emissary ). The reward for her support would have been the guarantee of becoming Kai. The Kai was the religious leader of Bajor, who is elected to a life term by the Vedek Assembly. A Kai also had a great deal of political influence on the Bajoran Provisional Government. Director David Livingston described the Bajoran village as a big set.

A former Colonel in the Bajoran Militia, she became commander of Deep Space following the Dominion War. By 240 she had been elected Kai, the religious leader of Bajor. A set for the Sirah s living quarters therein was in the same room as had been used as a meeting place for Commander Sisko and Kai Opaka on Bajor in Emissary. The kai was the religious leader of the Bajorans, elected from among and by the Vedek Assembly to a life term. Odo and Kira discussing Kai Winn and Bajor.

Ex Astris Scientia - Bajoran Orbs Nine of these Orbs with different roles have appeared in the skies of Bajor over the course of about ten thousand years. A symbol of strength and unity to the Bajorans for centuries, the kai s religious authority was rivaled only by that of the Emissary of the Prophets. She or he has a great deal of influence on the Bajoran government despite having no official power in that way.

In the 16th century, the Bajorans made first contact with the Cardassians when several Bajoran lightships, which were designed to explore the space surrounding Bajor, reaching Cardassia after being propelled there by tachyon eddies in the Denorios Belt.
In the mirror universe, Bajor is the homeworld of the Bajoran people. 1Gründe warum Ich dich Liebe - 1Gründe warum Ich dich Liebe. Abnehmen und Sport während der Schwangerschaft t Energiebedarf und Ernährung während der Schwangerschaft Essen für zwei ist während der Schwangerschaft nicht nötig. Autismus-Spektrum-St rungen treten zwar famili r geh uft auf, doch bisher ist nicht eindeutig gekl rt, wie hoch das individuelle Risiko einzusch tzen ist.

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