Would it be possible to select a folder xyz (having images) instead of a specific.png.jpg file and so that tasker would select one random image from that folder xyz and send it using whatsapp. Getting Tasker to send a whatsapp message automatically? Every evening when I get home, I text my fianc on Whatsapp to tell her I m home. To get this working you simply need to download this Tasker Profile and then import it into Tasker. XDA member chiragkrishna has created a Tasker profile that allows you to send WhatsApp messages using the Now app on Android devices.
I am not a computer programmer, but I thought I could pick on your brains to see how I can solve one problem. WhatsApp Tasker for Android Read Write messages re: WhatsApp Tasker for Android Read Write messages Hi.
The tasker task kills whatsapp so it will restart and reload the database, it will find a. Send Whatsapp messages with Now AutoApps Forums Then add a AutoShortcut task and use intent variable for the Shortcut Intent String. whatsapp saves messages in to a database file, with these tasker tasks, we write directly into the database with a shell command and the sqlite binary (in this case the one that comes with titanium backup, many other apps have the same binary included). Whatsapp Send Message - Tasker the input tap points are for nexus if you want to find out yours enable developer option pointer location x. Man, I ved this issue to hell because I didn t want to ask without trying, but I just can t get this going.
Send Whatsapp messages with Now AutoApps Forums
Once this is imported you can initiate the sending of a. Use AutoInput to paste it into the whatsapp text field (easy setup works fine) If you are sure always understands everything right: use AutoInput to press the send. My problem is that I don t know if it s possible to call the status to change it, and if it is possible, how to do that. I m trying to automatically change the text status (not the photovideo status) in WhatsApp via Tasker by sending an Intent.
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