Donnerstag, 8. November 2018

Infj weaknesses

Infj weaknesses

INFJ - The Guides - often seek out the opinions of others, but may have a hard time accepting criticism. As an INFJ, you have gifts that are specific to your personality type that aren t natural strengths for other types. INFJ - The Guides - Strengths and Weaknesses - My Personality Test. Here is a list of the major weaknesses of the INFJ personality type.

For this reason, a person with INFJ personality are often vulnerable to conflict and criticism. Once someone questions their motives, they end up showing how bad they are. But as with the other personality types, INFJ s also carry a number of weaknesses and things that hold them back or compromise their self interests.

By recognizing your special gifts and encouraging their growth and development, you will more readily see your place in the worl and be more content with your role. Its a known rule in the dichotomous world of typology that the development of preferential strengths predictably gives rise to corresponding weaknesses, or blind spots. Weaknesses of the INFJ Personality Type.

INFJ s, while gifted with the ability to detect hidden ego motives in others, are not always able to translate this insight toward themselves. Sensitiveness The negative traits of INFJ s include being overly sensitive when somebody challenges or criticizes their values or principles. The INFJ s weaknesses come from the lesser developed parts of their personality and are amplified in high stress environments.

Overlooking matter how practically-oriented they aspire to be, INFJ s have a tendency to get so caught up in theorizing the big picture that they forget to account for some of the precious details that can separate success from failure.

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Strengths Weaknesses Advocate Strengths Creative Combining a vivid imagination with a strong sense of compassion, Advocates use their creativity to resolve not technical challenges, but human ones. Here is a look at some of the main weaknesses of the INFJ. List of Weaknesses of INFJ 1. Application Pour Rencontre Application Pour Rencontre - Bienvenue sur le meilleur site de rencontre gratuit sur Internet.

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